i decided to research on personality because i was inspired by the definition of the 5 personality factors.

this further lead to me analyzing about:

  • surveys, how useful they are and how they can be constructed

five factors of personality traits


The Big Five are five broad factors (dimensions) of personality traits. They are:

  • Extraversion (sometimes called Surgency). The broad dimension of Extraversion encompasses such more specific traits as talkative, energetic, and assertive.
  • Agreeableness. Includes traits like sympathetic, kind, and affectionate.
  • Conscientiousness. Includes traits like organized, thorough, and planful.
  • Neuroticism (sometimes reversed and called Emotional Stability). Includes traits like tense, moody, and anxious.
  • Openness to Experience (sometimes called Intellect or Intellect/Imagination). Includes traits like having wide interests, and being imaginative and insightful.



we are all quite familiar with this term, but since this is an analysis i’ll have to look into the definition

“People high in extroversion tend to seek social stimulation and opportunities to engage with others. These individuals are often described as being full of life, energy, and positivity.”

extraversion is “less common than you think,” and this is true for obvious reasons, i guess, with the digital age and social awkwardness that has become common in the current era…

extroversion is not very important to one’s success in theor life but surely has positive effects…

let’s think about the effects of extraversion

there’s the common effects that we can think of, like how extraversion plays a pivotal part of shaping relationships and whatnot, but i’ve found quite a lot of papers about how this influences work (since we work all our lives duh)

~ Performance advantage. The preceding advantages help to explain why extraversion is associated with higher performance across several dimensions. A person with stronger approach motivation, more positivity, better adjustment, and superior interpersonal and leadership skill, is likely to perform better on the job. Our findings show that extraversion is associated with higher ratings of overall job performance across raters (supervisors, peers, and subordinates) and across performance dimensions (technical performance, contextual performance, low counterproductive work behavior)~

okay, we know that. no further research would be needed, i should just think about this for a second.

extraversion could correlate to more interactions, social bonding and therefore results in more confidence and feeling of belonging, which also causes more sympathy and kindness


agreeableness. a fair mesaure of how kind and understanding the person is.

to think of agreeableness from a friend’s perspective, it would be to understand you, show sympathy and be caring.

i would directly associate this with trust, which means that agreeableness is very important

agreeable people are hard to say no to… let me think about this

this affects trust, so that means one is more likely to voluntarily talk to agreeable people, and would consider them to be better friends


this is a big word that means “the quality of wishing to do one’s work well and throughly and carefully”

oksy, intuitively this is responsibility. this is what one uses to establish their worth in this world, this is what one does to support their jobs and dependents.

the effects of conscientiousness include more stress, responsibility, and cannot relax until everything gets done correctly.

however, when the things do get done correctly one feels satisfied but also gets bored and finds something else to do

a particular degree of conscientiousness would be just enough to make sure one succeeds in the things they do but don’t get too stressed because of it


oh, distress and anxiety… is a big subject to talk about.

everyone has some degree of neuroticism i guess; some just have more than others

don’t get me started on talking about trauma and stress disorders because that’s too hurty to talk about right now

more neuroticism is considered to be a bad thing, so preferably one should not have much neuroticism

sometimes one needs to let go of anxiety to enjoy their living moments…

openness to experience

this is my favorite one!

curiosity and imagination, let’s see…


definition of the big five personality traits - https://pages.uoregon.edu/sanjay/bigfive.html

some relevant surveys - https://www.outofservice.com

“For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.”
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy