music is a very important art, and i could write about the wonders of music, but not today.

what’s music freedom?

music freedom is how the processes involved with creating a piece of music is clearly described, open and accessible so that it’s easy look into how the music was made and to learn from it.

alright, i’ll provide an example.

let’s suppose your friend is a songwriter and sent you a new song that they made as a, say, mp3 file.

you listen to the song and it was really the best song you have ever heard

oops, how do i play instruments?

the most common issue is when you would like to play a song on your instrument but you have absolutely no idea how.

you want to play the song on the piano but how can you? do you plan to figure out how to play the song through trial and error? after you figured out how to play the song, how can you memorize it so that you still know how to play it next time?

what about guitar? oops, this is even trickier; wait, which chord was that? and why does it take so long to figure out how to play the melody you wish?

how do i modify and design songs?

have you ever wondered how all the different parts of the song blend together to create its pefct vibe? how was the combination made? what type of drum? how many melodies?

what if you added or deleted some of the components? change instrument types? this makes the music so flexible.

so what’s the solution?

using the MIDI format, you can play the songs you want on your instruments easily, and you can also study which instruments are used, tweak and improve upon the music… everything!

there are many music making apps that don’t support exporting MIDI format, like garageband and mpc beats… so use helio or onlinesequencer instead to keep your music accessible and free.