i needed to sync files between my computers so i used syncthing and git to sync and also used git for version control.


syncthing is the most used open source file syncing utility.

install syncthing

you should use brew. i made a guide to installing brew on your mac

brew works on linux too to install it with brew, you just run the command brew install syncthing

after the installation completes, you should run

brew services start syncthing

to make the syncthing service start

here’s how to install syncthing on windows.

and here’s how to install syncthing on ubuntu linux

if you need help installing syncthing, i suggest searching for guides on youtube.

autostart syncthing

now you need to make sure syncthing can run every time you boot your computer.

if you used brew to install syncthing you run

brew services start syncthing

if you did not use brew to install syncthing, the syncthing docs, https://docs.syncthing.net/users/autostart.html, can help you.

use syncthing

to use syncthing, you use the webui at http://localhost:8384 to see the syncthing user interface.

syncthing has created a default sync folder in your home directory but you should ignore that.

to sync one of your folders, press the “add folder” button at the bottom and give it an id and also input the directory where you folder is.

when you have multiple devices that have syncthing installed, you can find other device ids and you can connect devices together to start syncing.

if you create a file named .stignore in one of your syncthing folders, you can add one ignore pattern per line, to make syncthing ignore some files and folders and not to sync them. see https://docs.syncthing.net/users/ignoring.html for more information on how to use ignore patterms.

with syncthing, you now have reliable and useful file syncing. congrats!


git is used for version control and is useful for managing commits (changes) to files and provides options to rollback any commits.

git can be used alongside with syncthing to sync the history versions of your files, in addition to the files themselves.

if you use a terminal to navigate to one of your syncthing folders, you can initialize a git repository to put commits to your folder with

git init

now edit .stignore file to my sync the active git branch by adding the ignore pattern .git/HEAD

then stage all files to the repo’s first commit

git add *

you can edit the git author information with these commands, you can set the name and email to just a single letter because it doesn’t really matter; authoring information is only useful for published repos on github.

git config user.name "example"
git config user.email "i@example.com"

and commit the initial commit

git commit -m "initial commit"

the git repo should be set up, and you can use some other git app like sublime merge to open the repo and you can commit new commits and see your files history and differences.

in case you forgot, you can edit a .gitignore file at the base directory of your repo and you can choose what patterns to ignore and not get tracked by git. you can find some help on ignore patterns at https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/saving-changes/gitignore